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Tips for festive meals

The festive season is often synonymous with joy, sharing and conviviality, but also with long, hearty meals, gourmet desserts and alcoholic drinks. However, it is perfectly possible to enjoy the festivities without sacrificing your well-being and health.


How can you reconcile pleasure and health, without feeling guilty or frustrated?

The festive season is only a few days in the year, so don’t let yourself be deprived of what you enjoy. Don’t put pressure on yourself. It’s all about striking a balance between indulgence and moderation, listening to your desires and respecting your needs.
Here’s a list of simple, practical tips to help you enjoy your Christmas and New Year meals, without the guilt that often goes with overindulgence.


Don’t arrive hungry

Don’t skip meals before and don’t arrive hungry at festive meals, because when you’re too hungry, you run the risk of throwing yourself on the food and eating more than you need. Start the day with a balanced breakfast to stabilize your blood sugar levels.
The New Year’s Eve meal may start later than a normal dinner. So don’t hesitate to have a healthy snack in the late afternoon.


Opt for moderation

Enjoy but don’t overindulge. Opt for reasonable portions, savour every mouthful and avoid refilling.


Take your time

Don’t rush, enjoy the flavours and textures. Listen to your body and respect its satiety signals. By engaging in discussions, you’ll instinctively reduce your speed of tasting.


Share the moment

Holidays aren’t just about food, they’re about celebrating with loved ones. Enjoy time spent with family and friends.
Lasting memories are often linked to moments shared rather than calories consumed.


Avoiding Christmas hangoversLimit your alcohol intake

From a nutritional point of view, alcohol is high in calories and can lead to dehydration.
From a general point of view, don’t forget that alcohol has harmful effects on health and causes many accidents. Don’t drink and drive.


Water is your ally

Between salty toast and alcoholic beverages, don’t forget to stay hydrated. Water helps control your appetite and promotes easier digestion.


Get moving!

After a meal, it’s a good idea not to remain inactive. Moving around helps digestion, burns calories and strengthens family and friendships.
Opt for a digestive stroll after Christmas dinner, or a lively dance on New Year’s Eve. You’ll burn a few calories while having a fun and memorable time.


Make good resolutions

Return to a balanced diet the very next day. There’s no need to feel guilty or deprive yourself to compensate for your excesses. Just eat what you’re hungry for, with an emphasis on fresh, varied and minimally processed foods.
And since it’s the season, make some good resolutions ( = achievable ;-) for the coming year: Don’t hesitate to take up sport and get moving on a daily basis (30 minutes a day, minimum!) to relieve muscular tension and stimulate endorphin secretion. You’ll feel good in both body and mind.



The festive season is not the time to count every calorie, but rather to create memories and celebrate precious moments with your loved ones. There’s no need to deprive or frustrate yourself, but rather find a balance that works for you. You don’t need scary statistics to convince you, just listen to your body, avoid overindulgence and respect your limits. By following these simple tips, you’ll enjoy the holidays without depriving yourself.

Enjoying Christmas together as a family