Technological advancements and the intensification of office work have radically transformed working conditions in the sector. Prolonged use of computers, tablets, or other digital devices, (...)Read more
You've just arrived in Luxembourg to work, and everything isn't exactly as you expected? Are you unsure if you're in the right place? You may be experiencing culture shock. Don’t (...)Read more
If a healthy diet has a beneficial effect on health, namely the prevention of cancers, cardiovascular diseases, as well as obesity and osteoporosis, on the other hand, a poor diet will promote (...)Read more
— Medical Check-ups @ ASTF are now free — Each employee of an affiliated company can benefit from personal, confidential and free medical check-ups, with the prior agreement of the company. The (...)Read more
All companies in the service, financial and related sectors located in Luxembourg may join the ASTF. To apply, fill out the application form and return it back to We will (...)Read more
Register easily to stay informed and receive our monthly newsletter of medical and legal information and health and wellness tips, sent directly to your inbox, for members of affiliated (...)Read more
Endocrine disruptors are chemical substances found in many everyday products. They can have harmful effects on our health by interfering with our hormonal system. Understanding what they are, (...)Read more
With the arrival of the cold season, certain contagious but preventable diseases are making a comeback. To combat the spread of respiratory infections and viruses, the Luxembourg Ministry of (...)Read more
Movember (a contraction of MOustache and noVEMBER) is an annual event that uses the moustache as a symbol to raise awareness about men's health issues. Since its creation in Melbourne, Australia, (...)Read more
On 10 October, we mark the World Mental Health Day. This day gives us an opportunity to raise public awareness of mental illnesses, to combat their stigmatization and to remind us how to ask for (...)Read more
The Labour and Mines Inspectorate invites you to take part in a conference: Occupational health and safety in the digital age Thursday 6 October 2024, from 10h00 to 15h30 — Parc Hotel Alvisse. (...)Read more
In response to the growing psychological distress and its consequences, ASTF offers support groups. By definition, a discussion group is a space where people can share their experiences and (...)Read more
Sophrology, Simple and natural relaxation What is sophrology ? Sophrology is a personal development method whose essential elements are dynamic relaxation, calm and composed breathing, and (...)Read more
— F.A.Q. Mpox — Created on August 5th, 2022, updated on August 19th, 2024 What are we talking about? Mpox infection is an infectious disease caused by the monkeypox virus called orthopoxvirus. (...)Read more
Article updated on 30.07.2024 You were many to request our Web site looking for information, here is why we wish to return on certain aspects of the protection of the workers (ITM-ET 32.10), (...)Read more
Europe is currently facing a resurgence of whooping cough cases, and Luxembourg is not spared. Whooping cough, also known as convulsive cough, is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused (...)Read more
Summer, a time usually associated with relaxation and time off, can paradoxically turn out to be a stressful time for tertiary and financial sector employees.The absences of some can lead to an (...)Read more
The work environment can be demanding and can put a significant strain on the mental health of employees. These factors have a considerable impact on the well-being and mental health of (...)Read more
Extract from an interview with Serge Linckels, managing director of the Digital Learning Hub, a structure that offers specialized IT trainings open to all. He was our guest on May 8 and presented (...)Read more
Article updated on 16.04.2024 Allergy or type 1 hypersensitivity Allergy is a disturbance of the immune system that corresponds to a loss of tolerance towards substances that are a priori (...)Read more
Lunex present the conference DARE TO CARE: How Social Sustainability drives work environments and societal wellbeing” will discuss challenges, opportunities and potential solutions with respect to (...)Read more
Spring also marks the return of outdoor activities, and the return of ticks that appear when temperatures are above 8° Celsius. On a walk in the forest or in the nature, these small mites can (...)Read more
The people we meet in our consultations often say that they are unhappy, that their lives have no meaning, that they feel useless, exploited and empty. If this defines unhappiness, what is the (...)Read more
Long periods of inactivity at work and in everyday life can make us ill and create a permanent strain on the body, so it is important to integrate more movement into our lives again! Humans (...)Read more
Working abroad offers an opportunity for professional growth and personal development. However, recent research has highlighted that individuals who relocate for work may face integration stress (...)Read more
Stress is a natural reaction of the body. It can be positive in certain situations as it enables us to mobilize to face challenges. However, when stress becomes excessive or chronic, it can have (...)Read more
The festive season is often synonymous with joy, sharing and conviviality, but also with long, hearty meals, gourmet desserts and alcoholic drinks. However, it is perfectly possible to enjoy the (...)Read more
The media, social networks and advertising constantly warn us that we spend too much time in front of our screens, to the detriment in particular of our vision. They urge us to use filters to (...)Read more
In addition to the screening mammogram, it is important to carry out regular self-examinations, as it is important to know your breasts well enough to be able to recognise abnormalities quickly. (...)Read more
The menopause is a natural stage in a woman's life, but it can also be a source of difficulties and discomfort at work. Since every woman experiences menopause differently, a personalized, (...)Read more
The Conseil Supérieur des Maladies Infectieuses has not issued any new recommendations for autumn 2023. Covid-19 vaccine booster recommendations concern only at-risk individuals and healthcare (...)Read more
As with all « good things »... without limits, the ability to work remotely can become a « curse ». Twenty or so years ago, access to communication technologies meant that, for the few who had (...)Read more
Sophrology is a method of relaxation and personal development that aims to harmonize the body and mind. It was developed in the 1960s by neuropsychiatrist Alfonso Caycedo. This approach is based (...)Read more
Occupational medicine visits become periodic Since 1995, according to Luxembourg law, a periodic check-up is recommended every 5 years for all employees under 50, and every 3 years for all (...)Read more
An asset or a pitfall for professionals? Perfectionism is often considered a skill in the professional world. Indeed, perfectionists tend to be very demanding of themselves and to deliver (...)Read more
Communication and emotions are two essential aspects of professional life. They influence the way we work, collaborate, negotiate, solve problems, manage stress and conflicts. Knowing how to (...)Read more
This question often comes to mind, especially when the weight of the workload is felt in our daily lives. Facing a professional activity, we all need to have a more private space in order to (...)Read more
To fully enjoy winter sports, it is recommended that you do well prepare physically and maximize your performance to avoid injury and enjoy rather than suffer. Winter sports, whether it is (...)Read more
Legislation Situations related to alcohol and/or drug use in the workplace are governed by various texts: One determining the obligations of the employer: Article L312-1: the employer is obliged (...)Read more
(or Seasonal Affective Disorder - SAD) Fall is here! And even if we can still enjoy a few rays of sunshine and mild temperatures, the fact remains that the days have become shorter. Thus, you (...)Read more
"Influenza" or "real flu" is the term used to describe an illness caused by the influenza virus. Seasonal influenza is a preventable infectious disease, mainly involving respiratory symptoms. The (...)Read more
Along with carbohydrates and protein, fats belong to one of the three main nutritional groups. They provide us with the necessary energy to keep the body running physically and functionally: (...)Read more
and work with computer screens With the evolution of technology, it is nowadays difficult to do without a computer and so we spend most of our day in front of computer screens, which is not (...)Read more
Everything that stresses us can be summed up in four universal stressors: novelty, loss of control, unpredictability, and ego threat. Obviously, the media use them massively to increase their (...)Read more
Most people know what to do when faced with a person who is choking or twisting their ankle, but what about a person who is in psychological distress and is having an anxiety attack or is talking (...)Read more
Context Even though many preventive progress have been made in recent decades, the impact in terms of mortality and morbidity of cardiovascular diseases remains major. These diseases are the (...)Read more
New year, new resolutions! Every year, as January begins, comes the time of good resolutions: • Take up sports again; • Quit smoking; • Lose weight and hence start a diet. Ok, but (...)Read more
Staying young has nothing to do with outward appearance, wrinkles or grey hair. Staying young is in the mind, it's about staying in the best possible shape for as long as possible. In other (...)Read more
Good time management, to be stress-free! One of our biggest challenges today is to save time to do more and more. However, our days have not become longer and still count 24 hours. So how to (...)Read more
A way to more self-knowledge and better interpersonal relationships. New challenges, new talents, working together In recent times, technological advances and especially the health crisis, have (...)Read more
Find below the next dates and places of the Impf-bus in Luxembourg City. October 12th 2021 — 11h00-15h00 — Cloche d'or (Kockelscheuer Boulevard) October 13th 2021 — 15h30-18h30 — P+R Bouillon (...)Read more
Home office work as we have known it for a year and a half now will no longer be the rule, the return to the office is being prepared. Sanitary measures are being relaxed and we will all (...)Read more
Sun is good for us. Not only does it lift our mood, but it helps us synthesize vitamin D, which is so important for our bones. But sun is not only benefits. As with everything, it is the amount (...)Read more
Back pain is one of the main causes of incapacity for work. One in three adults suffers from frequent or permanent back pain. A few reasons why back pain has become so common include: High (...)Read more
On average, people spend one third of their lives sleeping. Sleep is a fundamental element which brings our organism a mental and physical recovery. In fact, studies on sleep deprivation on (...)Read more
Our daily lives have undergone significant changes, forcing us to adapt to new routines. Working from home, in particular, can be a challenge for our personal and professional balance. The (...)Read more
Steve de Shazer, one of the founders of solution focused brief coaching, once said "Talking about problems creates problems - talking about solutions creates solutions". We all tend (...)Read more
ALRIM Winter Conference of Thursday February 25th, 2021 ⇒ Go directly to the medical part presented by Dr Patrizia Thiry-Curzietti, general director of the (...)Read more
Current times undermine the morale of many of us. If a year ago we still had the courage of being part the solution and the enthusiasm of a crisis manager, we are now starting to wear ourselves (...)Read more
Update of February 2, 2021 Vaccination phases in Luxembourg Vaccination strategy put in place by the High Council for Infectious Diseases against Covid19 in Luxembourg. This vaccination strategy (...)Read more
Good work posture is more important than ever, especially when working from home. Here are 10 good tips on how to improve your sitting position. Tip 1: Find an appropriate chair The most (...)Read more
The Ministry of Health has created dedicated pages in order to carry out the right steps, to access documents and to facilitate the tracing of contact cases according to whether you have been (...)Read more
On July 24, 2020, a new law on professional reclassification was promulgated and will be applicable as of November 1, 2020. The text raises many questions, which have not been answered at the (...)Read more
Basic life support (BLS) and automated external defibrillation (AED) adapted for COVID-19. Sudden and premature circulatory arrest occurs with a probability of approximately 1 event per 1000 (...)Read more
Following our article about Decontainment management in companies, it is obvious that the share of teleworking and virtual work that we are currently experiencing is destined to continue beyond (...)Read more
How to reintegrate our administrative buildings? This « Coronavirus » crisis that has been affecting us for more than a month now, is unprecedented and is still not over. However, recent (...)Read more
I have just received another funny quote through social-media and you might have read it before: “I've been home with the family for a few days now. I must say, they're actually quite nice (...)Read more
We are currently experiencing a historical moment worthy of the last plague epidemic in the 14th century. And even though SARS-cov-2 is not nearly as deadly as the plague bacillus, it is still a (...)Read more
How to arrange your workspace at home? Grand-Ducal Regulation of March 15, 2015 declaring the general obligation of an agreement on the legal regime of telework. The golden rule for setting up (...)Read more
During this dialogue with Christian Scharff (PWC Luxembourg) on the subject of New Ways of Working, Patrizia Thiry-Curzietti (General Director of the ASTF) spoke about topics such as: Home base (...)Read more
To experience a containment situation is to experience the boredom of social isolation, the feeling of lack of control. For our well-being, it is essential to give meaning to this containment: (...)Read more
Psychologists' tools Covid-19, unknown until 3 months ago, is now part of our daily life and we had to adapt to the strict hygiene and containment measures that come with it. In order to (...)Read more
People experiencing psychological distress and need to talk to a doctor or even a psychologist, can benefit from a phone permanence with our services: 352 22 80 90-1 — On weekdays, 9h-11h and (...)Read more
Law of July 17, 2020 on measures to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. Latest Updates of march 16, 2020 The Health Department director reminds us that it is important not to panic This is why a (...)Read more
Enjoy the festive season without putting on weightSome nutritional advice for year-end festive season meals. Here are a few tips for light festive meals: having fun during the festivities is (...)Read more
Vitamin D is found in food and synthesized in the human body from a cholesterol derivative or by the action of sunlight (UVB). It is involved in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the (...)Read more
Protection of oneself and others Vaccination consists of stimulating an immune response in the body by administering a harmless form of an infectious agent (bacteria or virus). The immune (...)Read more
To achieve sporting performance, the body needs simple things: 1. WATER It is better to use still water, as bubbles can cause stomach swelling under certain circumstances, which can cause (...)Read more
Back pain is one of the most important causes of incapacity for work. One in three adults suffers from back pain more often or permanently. Anatomy The human spine has two different functions. (...)Read more
Our recommendations to stay protected all summer long. A tanned complexion, a healthy glow. Be careful not to skip the steps to get there! When it is burned by the sun, the skin reddens because (...)Read more
May 31: World No Tobacco Day. It cannot be said often enough: smoking is bad for your health! By smoking you expose yourself (but also those around you, so never smoke in the presence of (...)Read more
The ASTF invited its members to the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for its annual general meeting, a new event where the annual financial statements, the report for the past year, new (...)Read more
April 28th: World Day for Safety and Health at Work. Being well informed, well equipped and sufficiently trained can reduce the consequences of an accident. Here is a reminder of the main safety (...)Read more
Fight insomnia for more energy throughout the day. To improve sleep, you need to understand its structure, what can cause insomnia and what its impact on your health can be. This test will allow (...)Read more
The Power of short breaks during the day Our life is running in a sedentary mode, while the human body and its physiology is still that of the hunter-gatherers – the product of an evolutionary (...)Read more
What is stress? In the face of stress, we are tempted to see ourselves as victims, we think we are in a difficult situation against which we have little or no recourse at all. Find out how to (...)Read more
As of January 1st, 2019, new legal regulations will come into force with regard to the period of coverage in case of incapacity to work due to accident and illness : The law of August 10th, 2018 (...)Read more
We have decided to look at the subject this month because September is synonymous first and foremost with the return to work and the new school year, but it is also an ideal time to make a new (...)Read more
The hype around gym balls as office chairs continues. Employers are receiving more and more inquiries about using stability balls as alternatives to office chairs. Sometimes these seating options (...)Read more
The ASTF will be present at the 2018 edition of the Occupational Health and Safety Forum organised by VISION ZERO. See you on Thursday 19 April at booth number 80 in LuxEpo The Box. All (...)Read more
Even in winter-time condition running sport is possible. Thereby you should pay attention to the following: Choose waterproof trail running shoes. Use synthetic "technical" clothes (...)Read more
Moving: The Best Weapon to Preserve Your Health Capital To be beneficial, physical activity must be regular. It is essential to move every day! What is Physical Activity? The WHO defines (...)Read more
According to a study published on July 28, 2016, in the scientific journal « The Lancet, » the cost of physical inactivity is $67.5 billion worldwide. The study was conducted in 142 countries (93% (...)Read more
Improving or safeguarding your health capital with advancing years is vital. The more time passes, the more the old adage “prevention is better than cure” turns out to be true. ASTF, the (...)Read more
Care of persons who are absent for a period of illness lasting more than 6 weeks. In the interest of good cooperation between member companies and the ASTF, we advise the employer to request a (...)Read more
Avoiding burn out The demands of today's world often make us sacrifice a healthy lifestyle: leaving early in the morning without breakfast, eating a sandwich at lunchtime in the corner of (...)Read more