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Sport for better stress management

Stress is a natural reaction of the body. It can be positive in certain situations as it enables us to mobilize to face challenges. However, when stress becomes excessive or chronic, it can have negative consequences on our physical and mental health.

Work-related stress is a particularly common form of stress. It is caused by factors related to work, such as workload, uncertainty, or conflictual relationships.

Stress can manifest in various ways, including:

  • Nervousness and irritability;
  • Attention and concentration disorders;
  • Chronic fatigue and sleep disturbances;
  • Decreased motivation and productivity;
  • Eating disorders.

Work-related stress can lead to more serious conditions such as anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, or professional burnout.

There are many ways to manage stress, including the regular practice of physical or sports activities. Indeed, sports offer numerous health benefits, especially in terms of stress management.


How exercise helps manage stress

Exercise has a direct impact on the body and the brain.brain silhouette

  • It allows you to let off steam: exercise is an excellent way to let off steam and release tension.
  • It promotes the production of endorphins: endorphins are natural hormones that have a relaxing and euphoric effect. They help reduce the feeling of stress and anxiety.
  • It improves blood circulation: proper blood circulation helps better oxygenate the brain and muscles, contributing to improved mood and concentration.
  • It reduces cortisol levels: the stress hormone that can have harmful effects on health when produced in excess.
  • It improves sleep quality: quality sleep is essential for stress management.
  • It reduces the risk of chronic diseases: sports help prevent heart diseases, diabetes, and obesity, which are often associated with stress.


Which sports to choose to reduce stress?

woman exercisingThere is no ideal sport for reducing stress. The choice of sport depends on your preferences and physical abilities. Choose an activity that you enjoy and that you are likely to do regularly.

  • If you are a beginner, it is preferable to start with gentle physical activities such as walking, cycling, bodyweight training (Lafay method), or yoga, as they allow you to focus on the present moment and release tension.
  • If you are more athletic, you can choose more intense physical activities*, such as running, swimming, tennis, dance, or crossfit. These activities are more effective for burning calories and improving physical condition.

* If you have health problems, consult your general practitioner before starting intense physical activity.


Tips for integrating exercise into your daily life

If you are not used to physical activity, start with 15 minutes a day and gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workout sessions. Ideally, you should do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity most days of the week.

Here are some links from the Ville de Luxembourg to help you integrate exercise into your daily life:



Physical activity is accessible to everyone. Motivation is an important factor for regular exercise. If you are not motivated, it will be more difficult to find the time and energy to do physical activities. Stop making excuses not to engage in physical activity because it is an investment worth making. In the long term, it will bring you many benefits for your physical and mental health.

Unstressed coworkers doing sport